About Us

About Us

Our brand Kaymito Studios originated from Canada. The word “Kaymito” comes from a Filipino dialect meaning “Star Apple”. Inspiration for the brand name comes from a street name called “Kaimito” located in Manila, Philippines. Founded by Samnit Ghai who gave life to his brand after spending a majority of his childhood in the Philippines. During his time in Manila many obstacles were thrown his way, giving him no choice but to adapt to all changes around him. All these sudden changes forced him to become the best version of himself, and open an opportunity to a better mindset. This new version of himself mixed with his love for clothing brought Kaymito to life


To bring confidence and extravagance to high quality garments.


Provide high quality garments to give an individual the confidence and drive to succeed in their everyday life.


Kaymito is driven on delivering the highest standard of quality and designs unique to the market. We strive to invoke confidence and a feeling of success to individuals wearing our pieces.

Kaymito Studios

